GRIHO is the name of the HCI and Data integration Research Group, assigned to Computer Science and Industrial Engineering Department of University of Lleida.
Our leading sentece is
"The most important part of technology is the people who use it".
And The maing goals of this inter-universitary group are: teaching, research and tecnology transfer related with Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field.
Other important aspects from GRIHO are:
- Founding member of AIPO (Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador), the HCI Association for Spanish-speaking countries (Spain and Latinamericancountries).
- Coordinator of AIPO's HCI virtual book, tha was the first HCI bibliografy written in Spanish.
- We have developped our own User Centered Design Methodology (called MPIu+a).
- Is memebr of INSPIRES research institute.