Sensing Nightlife, por Daniel Gatica-Pérez

Charla en el contexto de la assignatura Interacció Persona-Ordinador del GEI

Event information
Juan Enrique Garrido
Start date:
Finish date:
Daniel Gatica-Pérez


Daniel Gatica-Perez directs the Social Computing Group at Idiap and EPFL in Switzerland. His current work includes mobile crowdsensing and analysis of social media and open data. He also works with cities and local organizations in social innovation projects.


The behavior and practices of youth in the context of nightlife are subjects of study in different HCI-related disciplines, spanning urban crowdsourcing and social media analysis in ubicomp and social computing; youth culture in human geography; and environmental factors of alcohol use in public health.

I will present an overview of our research in this domain, and talk about computational methods for characterization of nightlife places and activities from crowdsourced videos, and for recognition of alcohol consumption patterns from smartphone sensors and media posts. I will conclude by discussing future directions for multidisciplinary research.
