Download PdfEl artículo "At the Intersection of Digital Games, Gender, and Age: a participant observational study with active older women", liderado por Sergio Sayago, miembro de GRIHO e investigador y docente de la EPS en su Campus Igualada-UdL, ha sido aceptado en el prestigioso congreso internacional ACM CHI PLAY 2020.
"CHI PLAY is the international and interdisciplinary conference (by ACM SIGCHI) for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games and human-computer interaction (HCI). We call this area “player-computer interaction.”
The goal of CHI PLAY is to highlight and foster discussion of current high quality research in games and HCI as foundation for the future of digital play. To this end, the conference features streams that blend academic research papers, masterclasses, interactive play demos, student game design competition, poster session and industry insights."
Sobre el artículo:
"This paper presents work in progress that informs a current understanding of intersectional themes (age, gender, and digital games) that are important, but under-studied, in the player-computer interactioncommunity. This paperdraws on a 4-month participant observational study of game play and interest among active older women (aged 63-83, N=14). The results show how gender and age shape digital game interest and play among the participants. For them, being an older woman now means keeping up with the times, being active and helping others. They disregarded digital games that clashed with this identity. When the digital games projected it, their play was fun and productive, recommending the games to others.Current and future work research activities are outlined"
La versión aceptada del artículo puede leerse en el blog académico de Sergio Sayago. Más adelante se podrá leer la versión definitiva publicada en ACM DL.