Stephen Brewster visita la EPS (UdL)

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Charla en el marco de la asignatura User Centred Design (3r curso del Grado en Inginiería Informática) a cargo de Stephen Brewster del Glasgow Multimodal Interaction Group (University of Glasgow, UK).

Title: New ways of interacting with mobile devices


Abstract: Mobile user interfaces are heavily based on small screens and keyboards. These can be hard to operate when on the move which limits the applications and services we can use. This talk will look at the possibility of moving away from these kinds of interactions to ones more suited to mobile devices and their dynamic contexts of use where users need to be able to look where they are going, carry shopping bags and hold on to children at the same time as using their phones. Multimodal (gestural, audio and haptic) interactions provide us new ways to use our devices that can be eyes and hands free, and allow users to interact in a ‘head up’ way. These new interactions will facilitate new services, applications and devices that fit better into our daily lives and allow us to do a whole host of new things. I will discuss some of the work we are doing on input using haptics and force, along with work on output using  3D sound and tactile displays in applications for mobile devices.


La charla ha tenido lugar hoy jueves 27 de abril a las 9:00 en la Sala de Grados de la Escuela Politécnica Superior (aula 2.03) de la Universidad de Lleida.

TRANSPARENCIAS de la charla y algunas fotos de la charla.

Stephen, thanks a lot for accepting to share your knowledge with us in Lleida.